Killin' the Game.

Sometimes I have to sit back and think, Becky, God's totally got you. Which ultimately means, you got this killa. But often I have to remind myself of how awesome life really is and how the learning process in your early twenties is possibly just the beginning of the best journey of the rest of your life. These are some things I have to remind myself all the time.

1. Don't let anyone try and tell you that you aren't killing the game.

You paid your bills this month, you cooked an actual meal more than once, and you can afford to treat yourself to coffee.. You are well dressed, well spoken, and beautiful. Stop stressing over the big stuff. Drive that crappy car, go to work with a smile, and live this life. Since when did we begin to measure success by what we have and not how we feel in the moments we are drenched in around us.

2. Keep your #Squad close

Squads come and go, but the ones that have been there loyal from the start of your emotional downfalls and the ones that are there after are clearly the ones  you need around. Notice who is sad with you during your sad times, but also notice who uplifts you. Your squad are the people who walk what they talk in all aspects of their lives, upfront and honest. Be around people who CHOSE you.

3. Being alone, is probably one of the greatest gifts God can give you.

Why spend time finding yourself in the arms of another person, when the person you need to be is right there within your own heart. Sure, company is great, so is intimacy, but lets get real here.... most of us need to learn how to be alone without being lonely. Lonely opens doors to places of bottomless opportunities of emptiness. Alone opens doors to places where you can find who you are and where you are going. Know your worth, and know you are never alone.

4. Cling to what you love.

Me, I personally love coffee and a solid playlist. Let me tell you how much of myself I can get lost to in a good cup of coffee and a good song. But I also love my job, and although sometimes ministry is beyond exhausting, clinging to service brings me back to clinging to Christ.

5. Know how to say no.

It's really easy, No. No one is going to hate you, and if they do, they probably don't care all that much anyways and you don't really need that in your life!

6. The importance of keeping yourself sane, sleep, Jesus, health, and mentors.

No one is sane, in fact I'm pretty sure the majority of us are just about off our bonkers. That's ok, we're humans and this life is TOUGH. But I know that when I don't have the appropriate amount of sleep and food... I am a mess. Throw in some running away from Jesus and some health stuff... I'm even worse. Find that person who you can be straight open with, sometimes it's someone outside of your circle. It's needed and oh my have I needed that.

7. Don't let the last strike keep you from swinging the bat.

This goes for SOOO many things. Ha, If I could only tell you how many strike outs I've had in the last couple years you'd wonder why I'm still at the plate. Whether it be a dream your chasing, a job failure, a living situation, a relationship, don't give up. Giving up is defeat, and there is so much more out there than defeat. When you realize that timing is always going to be whether or not something is or isn't going to work, life gets so much easier. You were created to be victorious and there is no person, place, or thing that can keep you from being victorious other than yourself.

Aristotle always said the best lists end on 7. So remember, You are a big deal. You got this.


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