
Showing posts from December, 2013

A Christmas Miracle.

Merry Christmas to all you beautiful souls! And of course a Happy New Year!  Hello! I've had one of the best couple months of my life! I feel like I'm really beginning to let go a lot of past grief and clinging to Christ. I had the opportunity to go to a Backstreet Boys and Gavin Degraw concert which was an absolute amazing night that I needed to feel like a little kid again! I've also been taking on more responsibilities at the mission and got two new roommates! YAY for not loosing sleep for living alone anymore! My dad is on a mission trip in Bolivia and to say he's loving it too much would be an understatement. It's been a long month not having him even just 2 hours away but now 6,000 miles away, however I am so ecstatic that he is living out his calling. I was in a minor car accident for the first time ever and of course was the first night my dad left the country! What an appreciation that gave me for him!!! No worries, everything is all good! OK! On to the n