A Christmas Miracle.

Merry Christmas to all you beautiful souls! And of course a Happy New Year! 

Hello! I've had one of the best couple months of my life! I feel like I'm really beginning to let go a lot of past grief and clinging to Christ. I had the opportunity to go to a Backstreet Boys and Gavin Degraw concert which was an absolute amazing night that I needed to feel like a little kid again! I've also been taking on more responsibilities at the mission and got two new roommates! YAY for not loosing sleep for living alone anymore! My dad is on a mission trip in Bolivia and to say he's loving it too much would be an understatement. It's been a long month not having him even just 2 hours away but now 6,000 miles away, however I am so ecstatic that he is living out his calling. I was in a minor car accident for the first time ever and of course was the first night my dad left the country! What an appreciation that gave me for him!!! No worries, everything is all good! OK! On to the next updates!

It always seems to astounded to the Christmas rush of the plentiful gifts us human beings run out to get for loved ones and the ultimate question of  "What do you want for Christmas"? Of which previous years, especially as a child, I've jotted down a list of things that I REALLY wanted. This year I remember telling my dad that I was completely satisfied with everything I have even if as little as it may be. My whole perspective of Christmas has changed, and I have to say I love this season a whole lot more. This year I was able to be a part of the missions Give-A-Christmas. I found true joy in making family profiles and now being able to see the fruit of such amazing followers labor. To see that I don't have to do everything on my own, has been such an amazing feeling. As I saw my bank account beginning to slump down a little bit each day, I began to look into other funding. I have to say the first thing I did was pray, and it is seriously amazing at the quadruple portions I received. With such amazing people in my life I was able to provide needs for up to 5 different families. One of which was a true miracle.

My Christmas miracle started about 4 months ago. I've been working with a Liberian woman that has a terminal disease and has kept her in and out of the hospital now for 7 months. It's been a long toll of everyone's emotions and surprisingly has taken a lot out of my energy and some of my spirit. Running back and fourth to doctor appointments, getting food, organizing medication, and taking care of a 14 year old it was a lot to handle at 20 years old. Then to get the news that she was facing eviction was even more of a blow to my soul. I had been praying and praying on what to do and all I could think of was how tired I was. A good friend of mine has been helping along with the process of figuring things out and we have been working with a resource center for people that have this sickness. All I could think was, we need to get her covered until January. Because I really had no options for her until after Christmas. Luckily the resource center was able to get 3 months of her behind rent payments taken care of. I was pulling funds from every possible direction and putting it aside to be able to pay her rent. With such amazing people back home supporting me financially and through prayer I was able to set some money aside to keep us in the safe zone. Like I've said before that scrap metal can go a long way. Out of the blue last weekend I was informed that the same resource center that was able to provide her with the back rent she was in debt for, had then decided to select her as the recipient of their housing voucher. THIS IS SERIOUSLY a miracle. Not having to pay rent and utilities and is able to stay in the home she is currently in was one of the biggest blessings I could have ever wished upon someone. It's when you put God in control of everything when His biggest plans for your life are revealed. Being able to trust Him in this entire situation has been the biggest learning opportunity for me above all. It's been a whirlwind, and not always the best of times, but at the end of the day if one life has been touched through the work I am being granted to do here in Cleveland then my heart is in content.

It's that warm fuzzy feeling when you spending time with family doing absolutely nothing, that skip of a heart beat when you brighten someone else day with something that doesn't necessarily mean much to you, or that rekindling of a relationship that you never saw happening. God brought himself to us and showed us the miracle we all have been given.

This Christmas and New year, I challenge you to look to Him for provision and to lean on Him to provide. For we cannot do anything on our own, and we do mess things up a lot, but living and knowing that His plan for us is way more than our tiny brains can fathom is when we can rest in His miracles. Will you let Him in?


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