
Showing posts from October, 2015

Burn out.

It's one beautiful day in North East Ohio. Our colors are at their peak of fall and it's one of the most refreshing sights to see before we sink into the depths of a cold winter. This time of the year is typically my favorite time because it's usually a time of reflections and preparation. This year has been a bit different for me. People ever since I moved into a role of really, full time ministry, have always reminded me to make sure I don't "burn out". I heard it over and over again from so many people that have been in similar positions of feeling burnt out, worn out, or just mentally exhausted. I always thought to myself, that couldn't be me ever. How could I possibly get to the point of being done with something that I love so much. Of course, I've had dozens if not hundreds of days ending exhausted to get up the next day and do it all over again, but that's life. This last  year was more of a whirlwind that anything. I went from thinkin