There is no audience in the body of Christ so, get moving.

Chew on that for a second. 

Because that very thought right there, shocked me and motivated me at the same time. Hello all of the beautiful souls reading this! It's been a LONG March but, yes, indeed beautiful! I cannot express the amount of absolutely amazing people I met this past month on all different walks of life. It was truly an encouragement in SO many ways to be able to just open up in life with them. I have to say that other than working with the children and the families here, its adoring to meet people from all of the country that share the same interest in volunteering. I wish I could write every week, someday I will. In this beginning of spring season I've been re-energized but yet searching for a divine direction, but for now I am living one heart beat at a time making no plans and letting my feet be guided to wherever they may land. And in wherever they land, may they be used to their fullest talents.

I have seen Gods work in so many ways just because I've put my faith in Him to show me His Glory. I have been reading a lot in 1st Corinthians the past couple weeks. I always seem to find it quite amazing that when you are praying for something or struggling with something that God speaks in His word with something you've probably read before, but now it just makes sense in a whole other picture. Like I said above I've been in struggle with direction and unity.

(Reading 1 Corinthians 12:1-31) which I recommend you to read

I've learned in these verses that in the church, which is the body of Christ not a building, EVERYONE has their own path. By having their own path, they have their own MINISTRY. Ministry is not the same for everyone by any means. Some are not to be in front, some are in the background. But yet, there has been this pattern of we go to church, sit in the chairs as the audience and the pastor puts on all the work. There is NO audience in the body of Christ.

While growing up in church, ministry to me was being shipped off to South America or some other foreign country. Never did I think it was right here in my own town, right here in my home.People think that because they are not that type of so called "ministry" that they are just an audience watching. No, that is not how it is described with the body of Christ.  There are believers, and servants. We are the Body, we are the hands, feet, toes, eyes, ears, nose, and when everyone in the body isn't performing it's called "ministry" the entire Body suffers and eventually die off.

That struck home hard with me. I feel that without unity in the body of Christ we will never actually get anywhere. I find it most interesting that in all Christianity there are what like 33,000 different denominations in Christianity that will not inter mix with each other no matter what the cause. Where is the unity in that?
Just some thoughts.

It's been great here in Cleveland, the kids are doing fantastic and I truly see growth in their personal walk with Jesus. One thing I see in the children I work with here is that they truly strive for everyone to get a long. They want to see families succeed. In this month of April, I'm praying for Unity.



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