
Showing posts from 2012

Turning over more pages into the next chapter.

A new look into the new  year. As you all are very aware of, the new year is coming! I'm every excited for it, because a new year means new possibilities, new adventures, and also failures. Yes, failures excite me, because that means I tried something ! The church I've been attending since I moved here to Cleveland started a series that discussed time and what we do with it. It's only the second week and it's got me really thinking about what is holding me back from my dreams. Curious that if my dreams are what God has called me to, but I believe that sometimes our callings come out in our dreams to Glorify Christ in all circumstances in our lives.  Aside from that, there are still things that hold us back from moving forward. 10 Things that I've been reflecting on are the following... 1. Don't let the opinion of others control your life.      -Others have their own lives to take control of, not yours. That is why it is yours. When I made the decisi...

Leadership Qualifications, it's all in The WORD.

God, let my words not be the words of my flesh but the words of Your heart that you've ignited in me, so that the words I speak are not of the flesh but of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  It's become a new fad to start churches in thoughts it may earn you a quick buck, and I can say from experience with no accountability being held to the church planters or certain pastors in the church it is being a destroyer of families and individuals lives. I speak from my heart as not only someone who has been GREATLY affected by malicious evils of leadership but as someone who has been aware of it and is now seeing more and more of it each and every day. Leadership in the church is a CRUCIAL role. We trust our pastor, we believe our pastor, we confide in our pastor, or at least we should feel all these things.  The bible, THE WORD from GOD, clearly states SO many verses straight forward on leadership. I've ran into situations with so called leaders of a church where they wil...

You can sing all that you want to, and still get it wrong.

But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. - John 4:23 Clear the stage, make some space for the one who deserves it.   I am an offender of idolatry. It's interesting because I've heard this sermon so many times. I've heard all the verses in the bible that talk about ridding yourself of your idols. What I never really did was open my mind to the fact that I was a perpetual offender. The fact of being completely humbled before my Lord, Jesus Christ I know that I never could have been putting Him, the only one, above all of my idols. Understanding that idols are anything that keeps you from Him. ANYTHING and by ANYTHING, I mean EVERYTHING that I put before Him.  My thoughts, actions, words included as well as things.  I've never thought of that before, my THOUGHTS, ACTIONS, and WORDS as idolatry. Because anything that I can not stop obsessing...

Hello Blogger, It's been awhile

Hey world of beautiful craziness! Sorry for the long wait of update for those of you who follow my mini travel blog. It's been just that, BEAUTIFUL craziness. I have so much that I could fill you in on since the beginning of the Summer but it seems like that was so long ago! This past week I've been able to reflect and really catch somewhat of what you would call a grasp of my life.  Show me Your glory! So firstly, WOW, I've learned SO much this summer that I don't think I will ever forget!  It's amazing the story. It's amazing how quickly us human race gives up. Love perseveres - It's in the bible. We say we believe it, but do we live it? I am at no higher standard, but I want to strive persevere. God is Love, so God perseveres. His work is never finished.  This summer has been ONE bumpy ride. But I my faith has grown more now than ever before. I feel like I have said this before but I can honestly say it's amazing. In Cleveland, Vacation...

The Simple Things

Simplicity Ever think of the simple things that are in your life that make your life what it is? Think of the good and the bad. Think what your outcome was of it, nothing is really as bad as it seems while you're in the midst of the storm, right? I've been so blessed with every terrible thing that has happened in this life to my family, friends, and most of all I. I see that everything around me has only made me become the person I  am standing today, yes standing firmly. The simple things, I've learned, have been what are keeping me going. I believe God puts the little things in your life to show you His glory. To us they may seem simple, to God they may be a part of a HUGE storyboard.  I was walking to work today and in a little bit of a hurry because I was behind schedule a bit. There was a man cutting a patch of grass. As I was approaching him he kept looking up at me and I won't lie, I'm a straight up awkward person. So when I see someone like being as awk...

Go love the people

I'm still figuring it all out, I've been reflecting and searching a lot lately. Even when you feel that you've got it all figured out, you'll find yourself somewhere that makes you feel small. These past two weeks I've never felt so small before in my life. I don't think it's necessarily because I am being knocked down, but because I'm being overwhelmed by God and the way He works. By overwhelmed, I mean that I think I'm finally starting to put some type of grasp on Him in my life and how He needs to be the center. I was asked this past week why I do what I do, why do I care about the kids? I think that question is relatively easy to answer. For me, it all goes to what God calls us to do, love your neighbor as yourself. It is simply stated, "love your neighbor as yourself." Matthew 22:39  When I think about that simple powerful statement, would I want myself to be lost? Would I want myself to be scared? Would I want myself to be...

2 Timothy 2:15

This week my dad is traveling to Bolivia to minister to the Araona Tribe. It burdens me that I am not with him, but I cannot wait to return with him in the near future! Please keep him in your prayers as what is to come is unexpected. Soul Fuel has been going excellent and in more ways than one. I am seeing that it's not necessarily what you do in the program but what goes on outside of the program as well. Unfortunately, we had a loss of a parent last weekend. Kapa Nyonne lost her mother, who still lived in Liberia.  It was a heart wrenching time, but the fact that I was invited into their home during their mourning process was a great honor. Seeing that there was no food in the home for the family of many, I wanted to meet the need. Luckily my father was also here with me to be able to meet that need. During the mourning process of a Liberian culture, the daughter of the mother whom passed must shave her head. I knew this would be difficult for Kapa because she ...

Let the praises ring, He is everything

A week in, we're still rollin'- Let the PRAISES ring! There is much to complain about, but in the comparasions of what I have to PRAISE Him about, there is nothing to complain about. This week has been full of blessings in disguise and straight out hitting me in the face.  Last week was mostly a trial week to see what was needed and how can I adjust to what is needed. Tuesday, April 17th, we began the program starting with just one little girl, Maliyahh, and her grandmother. By the end of the program on Tuesday we had four children. It was good, but yet a little disappointing considering I have had a weekly hang out sesh with between 10-15 kids around the block. So, if more than anything, I was confused.  Some Kiddies from Soul Fuel The week continued and on Thursday we had 10 children and Saturday 11. Yesterday, Tuesday, April 24th there was 10 children and half were different children than before. After revamping my whole game plan, I saw what was needed and ad...

Countdown to kickoff- ONE WEEK !

Down to the wire , Were getting down to the last week countdown until SOUL FUEL has it's kickoff day on April 17th, 2012. I can't express how excited I am, and anxious to say the least. The physical and spiritual hunger of these children and families of Cleveland truly is what keeps me going and is what Soul Fuel is all for. Lighting a fire from with in that shines so bright among the children of the city. The little faces that come see me everyday asking what it is that they can do to help or if we can play a game is what this program is all about.  A week ago, I held a game night at the mission. I didn't advertise the night that largely, mostly because it was our first event and the lack of volunteers would be difficult to handle the amount of kids this night could have had. I simply put a word out to my top group that is loyal daily, and a simple word out to some of the children that had Facebook. We ended up with about 15 children and I had 3 other volunteers inclu...

Kickin' it for the Kids- Kickball Tournament

After months of planning and preparation the day that I had been looking forward too was arriving. I had many people behind me and had a lot of people looking forward to the day as well. I did everything in my own will power to get as many people as possible to come and attend the tournament to help out with my childrens program "Soul Fuel" at The Nehemiah Mission. The week before the tournament was one of the hardest weeks I have ever had in Cleveland. I was up very late the past couple nights with two little girls, Katie (10) and Kapa (12), who were scared and had no place to sleep that night. It broke my heart to see such tiny children dealing with such simple thing as sleeping somewhere safe.  Because of laws, it was very difficult to say that they could sleep at the Mission, so I told them I would drive them home in an hour or so to see if anyone was home. I fed them and brought them home. To see a home in such a devastating state was a complete shock that we were in t...

Life is a never ending journey, and were just along for the ride.

The Journey If I had been able to travel back to my mindset a few years ago, it'd be such a change then it is now. Trying to make sense of where I was going was probably my biggest mistake I think I've ever made. ( I am sure there are more) The saying " We take things for granted" sounds so cliche', I agree it does. But when you really truly grasp that idea that we are NOT guaranteed tomorrow, things change. The biggest thing that this world needs to overcome, next to knowing Jesus, is that we need to stop feeling sorry for ourselves.  I was one of the biggest hypocrites I have ever met. I'd preach to people that life's so beautiful and that we need to live, love, and laugh. But secretly I hated everything about myself, my family, and my life. When everything was going wrong I didn't know how to pick up the pieces, and all I did was complain in the past instead of picking myself up and realizing that I am more than any situation that weighs me d...