2 Timothy 2:15

This week my dad is traveling to Bolivia to minister to the Araona Tribe. It burdens me that I am not with him, but I cannot wait to return with him in the near future! Please keep him in your prayers as what is to come is unexpected. Soul Fuel has been going excellent and in more ways than one. I am seeing that it's not necessarily what you do in the program but what goes on outside of the program as well. Unfortunately, we had a loss of a parent last weekend. Kapa Nyonne lost her mother, who still lived in Liberia.  It was a heart wrenching time, but the fact that I was invited into their home during their mourning process was a great honor. Seeing that there was no food in the home for the family of many, I wanted to meet the need. Luckily my father was also here with me to be able to meet that need.

During the mourning process of a Liberian culture, the daughter of the mother whom passed must shave her head. I knew this would be difficult for Kapa because she already gets a lot of grief from people at school for being from "Africa" and that she has shorter hair. Another ritual is that all of the family is to gather at the family's home to sit with Kapa's grandmother, Kapa's mothers mother. Kapa was very upset at the fact that her mother had passed and that she would never see her again. If anything, I would say she was more confused. In the small room with at-least 20 people from Liberia, I stuck out greatly, but they accepted me in. We went to the African store where they would have what type of food they would need. We gathered 40lbs of Tilapia, African Chicken, Rice, African Fruits, Cookies, and much much more. The uncle that came with us was the most grateful man I have ever experienced, his name is Moses. I felt like I was in a different country, it didn't seem real that I was in Cleveland still. Kapa's face lit up in the store knowing that we were there supporting her family and it was all for her and her mother.
After we came back from the store, Moses took us to his house to introduce us to more of the family. Hugs were given out and my father and I were offered an invitation to stay for dinner! I was overwhelmed with their grace, because I've been trying to knock down some of these walls for three months now. Unfortunately, I was headed out of town that night. But it was such a great experience to be a part of and I had not planned a bit of it.

The verse on my mind for this is from 2 Timothy 2:15- Concentrate on doing your best for God, work you won't be ashamed of, laying out the truth plain and simple. 

I've been diving deeper into the Word lately and I'm finding that when you seek Him, He REALLY will find you. Right here, right now. Whether you are in Bolivia, Liberia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, or Cleveland. He comes to you when you call for Him.

I am eternally grateful.


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